Office for Inclusive Excellence
Consistent with the spirit of the University’s founding and mission, the SHU Office for Inclusive Excellence (OIE) is committed to anti-racism, anti-oppression, and embracing & celebrating diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) as necessary components for institutional excellence. OIE functions to foster and sustain a SHU community that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all. Our DEIB efforts seek to promote learning, living, and work experiences that are free of discrimination & harassment and to create a sense of belonging that is conducive to holistic success for all Pioneers.
Donations to the OIE will support the robust resources and initiatives for the SHU community, including the Multicultural Center, the SAGE Center, bias education and support, inclusive excellence education and development, and our new Mentors Advocating for Cultural Connection (MACC) Pioneers mentoring and student success initiative, and much more.